The average person is more likely to appear in municipal or traffic court than any other court in New Jersey. The reason is simple; municipal courts hold jurisdiction over a broad range of conduct –motor vehicle operation, driving offenses, disorderly conduct and other minor crimes, disputes between neighbors and the like. Municipal courts can issue orders, impose fines and other penalties including jail, community service, and suspension of driving privileges to name a few.
Everyone appearing before any court of law must adhere to proper court procedures and rules of evidence whether they are an attorney or not. Appearing in court without an attorney familiar with the law and court rules and procedures puts you at a disadvantage. If you must appear in municipal or traffic court, a Radom & Wetter attorney can help.
DWI charges are serious in New Jersey. The penalties for driving under the influence are extreme and the impact of a conviction on your life is significant. When facing these serious charges, an experienced and qualified DWI defense attorney is essential for a successful outcome. The New Jersey municipal court attorneys at Radom & Wetter have extensive experience in dealing with cases involving Driving Under the Influence (DUI), misdemeanor drug offenses, misdemeanor trespassing, and many other misdemeanors such as assault and harassment, as well as speeding tickets and other driving infractions.
The lawyers of Radom & Wetter will appear with you on all municipal matters such as driving infractions and other offenses including those that have potential jail time. Additionally, a Radom & Wetter attorney can assist you with other Municipal Court issues such as obtaining a temporary restraining order for a domestic violence matter.
Radom & Wetter defends these charges:
- Accidents
- Accident DUI
- Accidents involving death or personal injury
- All traffic offenses
- Carelss and reckless driving
- DUI drugs (DUID)
- DUI marijuana
- DWI drugs
- Eluding the police
- House arrest
- Ignition interlock applications
- Injuries caused by DUI driver
- Leaving the scene
- License suspension appeals
- Motions to suppress the stop and blood
- Personal injury
- Possession of drugs
- Possession of drugs in a motor vehicle
- Prescription DUI
- Prescription drug DUI
- Refusal of blood or breath
- Suspended driving
- School zone
- Work licenses
- Work release
- Wrongful death caused by DUI
Contact Radom & Wetter
If you require professional legal advice and representation regarding personal issues anywhere in New Jersey, make sure your legal rights are protected by seeking the legal advice of an experienced law firm. Contact us at 908-707-1500 or use our Contact Form.